Reiki: Unveiling the Power of Energy Healing

A hand reaching towards the sunlit sky through a forest, with sunlight filtering through the trees and a small rainbow spectrum visible on the hand.


Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, translates to “universal life energy.” It’s based on the idea that we all have an unseen “life force energy” flowing through us. When this energy is low, we may feel stressed or unwell. Reiki aims to balance this energy, promoting healing and well-being.


Black and white portrait of Mikao Usui, wearing glasses and traditional Japanese attire.

Originating in Japan in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui, it was brought to the Western world by Hawayo Hiromi Takata. Reiki is rooted in Buddhist traditions and ancient Chinese medicine.

The word “Reiki” is a combination of “Rei” (universal) and “Ki” (life energy). This encapsulates the essence of connecting with a higher energy source to promote healing. This universal life force is also known as Qi or prana.

This life force energy can become disrupted when we accept negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves (either consciously or unconsciously). These negative thoughts and emotions cause blockages and stagnation in the flow of life force energy, which prevents the optimal functioning of the physical body’s organs, tissues and cells.

Reiki is a type of energy healing, a broad term encompassing various practices aimed at restoring the body’s energy flow and balance.

Just as physical bodies, we also have energy fields, sometimes called auras. Reiki works on these subtle energy bodies to remove blockages and restore harmony.

In many traditions, including Reiki, the body has energy centres known as chakras. Reiki can help balance these chakras, promoting overall wellness.

“Just for today, don’t get angry, don’t worry, be grateful, work honestly, be kind to yourself and others.”

Mikao Usui

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki is a gentle, soothing energy that flows through your body like a warm embrace from the universe. Reiki practitioners use their hands to channel energy into your body, focusing on areas that need healing.

During a session, you usually lie down fully clothed (you can also be seated), and the practitioner places their hands on or just above specific points on your body. The energy flows to where it’s needed most, restoring the natural movement of energy within the body.

A Reiki session is entirely safe, and you may not feel anything during the session, which is perfectly normal. Some people feel a warm sensation or a gentle tingling during a session. It’s a deeply relaxing experience, often described as a meditative state.

Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

Benefits of Reiki: Why Should You Try It?

Energy healing practices like Reiki are often celebrated for their ability to promote relaxation and well-being. While these practices are not a substitute for medical treatment, they can complement traditional care by supporting overall health.

Here are some reasons why you might want to give it a go:

Stress reduction

Reiki and other energy healing modalities are widely used for their calming effects, and Reiki, in particular, is commonly employed for stress reduction and relaxation.

Emotional support

Studies have indicated that Reiki might help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, providing emotional support and promoting mental well-being.

Pain management

Research, such as a meta-analysis published in Holistic Nursing Practice, suggests that Reiki may assist in managing pain, making it a valuable complement to other pain management strategies.

Overall well-being

Reiki is also recognised for its potential to enhance general well-being and vitality, contributing to a holistic sense of health.

It is worth noting that while current research seems divided about the efficacy of Reiki, and more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and efficacy of these practices, many individuals report significant personal benefits from incorporating energy healing into their wellness routines.

My journey with Reiki

Let me share a little about my personal journey with Reiki.

Before I experienced it for the first time, I was convinced that it was a scam. Don’t get me wrong, I am a spiritual, animistic witch and practitioner; I believe in a life force, or energy, that every being has. That energy is the basis of any witchcraft practice, really! My first time experiencing Reiki healing was during a course to become a practitioner because I needed to see behind the curtain to believe (I’m a sceptic witch; don’t come after me, please). At the start of the course, they told us that we may not feel anything, that nobody would touch us, that maybe nothing would happen as such, and that we just needed to trust that something was happening. I thought I was being ripped off. 

The first time someone did Reiki on me, as I sat on a chair with my eyes closed, I felt a strong pull from my heart centre, my Heart Chakra, and a sudden burst of emotion and the uncontrollable urge to cry. I controlled myself because I was in front of others, but it left me wondering. After the session, the practitioner mentioned that they had felt called to hover above my Heart Chakra for longer than the rest of the energy centres because they felt some blockage.

It was then my turn to perform Reiki healing on someone else, and as we were guided to call on Reiki, I felt warmth and a gentle tingling sensation in my hands. Of course, I chalked it up to the power of suggestion and my focus on my hands at that moment. I then proceeded to hover my hands over the “client”, and I could feel colder and warmer areas and places where my hands felt stuck in concrete, unable to keep moving. I could feel the energy flowing through my hands and into the other person’s body, which freaked me out.

I also had the wildest experiences with my meditations during the course, and my dreams that night were full of symbolism and just… well, weird.

Calm and light image featuring a close up of a woman's hands, which she has placed above her heart chakra, in self-healing.

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

The following day, we learnt how to perform long-distance Reiki, and I chose to perform it on the most sceptical person I know. This person didn’t feel anything at the time, but the next day, they reported that they had not felt any pain all evening while sitting on the sofa watching two movies, something they wouldn’t have been able to do before.

Whether you believe in Reiki or not, it has helped me heal emotionally from a few past situations and opened quite a few new paths for me, too!

How to Get Started with Reiki

As a Reiki master, my journey with this healing modality has been incredibly fulfilling. I’m passionate about sharing it with others. If you’re curious about exploring Reiki and experiencing its transformative benefits firsthand, I’d be honoured to guide you on this journey.

Working with a Reiki master offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the practice and receive personalised care tailored to your needs.

Personalised sessions

Each person’s energy and healing journey are unique. My sessions are crafted to meet you where you are, focusing on areas that need attention most.

Holistic Healing

Whether you’re dealing with stress, physical discomfort, or emotional challenges, my goal is to support your overall well-being, helping you find balance and peace.

Safe and Nurturing Environment

My approach is gentle and nurturing, providing a safe space to relax and open up to the healing process.

How We Can Work Together

I’d love to chat with you if you want to explore Reiki further. Here’s how we can work together:

For those new to Reiki, or if this is your first time with me, I will collect some information before our session. This is to ensure that I know all relevant details about you and any health conditions I may need to be aware of. My focus is always on ensuring that you feel comfortable and safe.

For more profound healing or continued support, we can arrange a series of sessions to help you maintain balance and well-being.

Sessions can be in person (Sidcup, South East London) or online via video conferencing.

Let’s Connect!

Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in learning more or would like to schedule a session. I’m here to answer any questions you might have and to support you on your healing journey.

Use the button below to request a session, or to get in touch with your questions!

Remember, Reiki is not just about healing; it’s about self-discovery and finding harmony within yourself, a journey into understanding yourself and the energy that flows through you. If you’re looking for a way to relax, heal, and connect with your inner self, Reiki might be just what you need.

Thank you for joining me on this exploration of Reiki and energy healing. I’m excited to share this journey with you and help you uncover its profound benefits. Have you tried Reiki? What was your experience like? I’d love to hear your stories and thoughts in the comments below.

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