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Happy reading!

  • A serene, pastel-toned image of calm water at dawn, with gentle ripples spreading across the surface. The soft gradient from pink to blue in the sky reflects on the water, creating a tranquil atmosphere. The text on the image reads, “Spiritcraft Coaching: Nurture your soul and unleash the magic within – the power of self-reflection,” with a minimalist logo above the text. The overall design evokes a sense of peace and spiritual calmness.

    Episode 1 – The Power of Self-Reflection

    Marta: [00:00:00] Hello, hello, and welcome to Spiritcraft. This is a podcast to help you nurture your soul and unleash the magic within. And today we’re going to be diving into the transformative practice of…

  • In brown, the words "june 2024 week 4" can be read framed by a brown square line on a beige background. On the top left corner, there's a line drawing of crystals, and on the bottom right corner, a line drawing of flowers, also in brown.

    Collective Reading w/c 17/06/24

    If you missed the overall reading for the whole of June, you can have a read on the June Collective Reading post here. This past week has flown by. I had a friend staying over…

  • A hand reaching towards the sunlit sky through a forest, with sunlight filtering through the trees and a small rainbow spectrum visible on the hand.

    Reiki: Unveiling the Power of Energy Healing

    Introduction: Reiki, a Japanese healing technique, translates to “universal life energy.” It’s based on the idea that we all have an unseen “life force energy” flowing through us. When this energy is low, we may…

  • A serene, pastel-toned image of calm water at dawn, with gentle ripples spreading across the surface. The soft gradient from pink to blue in the sky reflects on the water, creating a tranquil atmosphere. The text on the image reads, “Spiritcraft Coaching: Nurture your soul and unleash the magic within – intro to soulful living,” with a minimalist logo above the text. The overall design evokes a sense of peace and spiritual calmness.

    Episode 0 – Intro To Soulful Living

    00:14 Hola, hola, hello, welcome to SpiritCraft, a podcast to help you nurture your soul and unleash the magic within. I’m your host, Marta, and I’m thrilled to join you in this journey. If you…

  • In brown, the words "june 2024 week 3" can be read framed by a brown square line on a beige background. On the top left corner, there's a line drawing of crystals, and on the bottom right corner, a line drawing of flowers, also in brown.

    Collective Reading w/c 17/06/24

    If you missed the overall reading for the whole of June, you can have a read on the June Collective Reading post here. I’m not sure I’ve told you already, but summer is my favourite…

  • Celebrating the Summer Solstice

    Next Thursday, 20th June, we will find ourselves at the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha. The Summer Solstice marks the beginning of the astrological summer. It is a time to celebrate the Sun’s life-giving energy,…