Community Altar

All the information about this service

I have been thinking for a while now about different ways to serve my community. One of the ways is by offering a community altar.

The idea behind it is that people can send in their petitions to be placed at this community altar for a calendar month*. These petitions are not fancy, or elaborate spells, but a way of me sharing my power with everyone that needs it. Sometimes all we need is knowing someone has our back.

You can send in your petition via the form at the bottom of this page. I recommend that you sign up to receive email notifications by joining the newsletter and follow me on Instagram.

Those are the ways I will inform everyone of any changes to the schedule or anything else I need to share before the session.

*Please note, the length of time will depend on when you send your petition in.

Frequently Asked Questions

We gathered the answers to some popular questions below.
If you can’t find your question below feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to help.

How does it work?

In order to get your petition placed on the altar, you will need to send it to me via this form, no emails, no social media messages. This is so I can keep track of everyone’s petitions and not miss any in some “pending approval” inbox.

Once I receive your petition, I will review it, and then place it on the community altar.

Every first of the month I perform an opening ritual to work with my spirit court to help with your petitions.

Every last day of the month, I will clear and cleanse the altar, with a closing ritual, and start a new cycle on the first of the next month.

What does this mean for your petition? Well, any submissions received after the 15th of the month will go on the next month’s altar.

Is it confidential?

Yes, I won’t share your details or your petition with anyone. I will take pictures of the community altar for social media and the website, but there won’t be anything shown that can identify individuals (unless they have given me express permission for whichever reason).

How much does it cost?

Honestly? You don’t have to pay anything. This is my way of giving back.

If you want to contribute to ongoing costs, to my ability to share content with you, and to my general wellbeing, you can always donate below (but it’s not required).

Please donate to keep this altar going

When you donate, you help me keep this community altar going, so I can buy supplies for all your petitions.

Can I ask for anything?

I mean… you can, but I might not include your petition if I feel it goes against my ethical beliefs. Remember the movie Aladdin? In it, Genie “can’t kill anyone, can’t make people fall in love nor can bring anyone back from the dead.” Whether I can or cannot do it is irrelevant, I won’t (that list isn’t exhaustive, I reserve the right to refuse placing a petition on the community altar).

I’ll be happy to work on stuff for your safety, prosperity and growth, as well as help with protection and stuff like that. I mean, it’s a shared space after all with petitions from many other different people, so let’s keep the energy safe for everyone.

Do you guarantee results?

No. There are no absolute certainties in life, and this is no different.

This is a way for me to help your situation with my intention, and sometimes that may not be enough.

Also, this service is not a replacement for adequate professional advice such as medical, legal or financial.

Please, help yourself by doing the mundane work first and giving it a push spiritually.

Where do I add my petition?

You can fill out this form. It will give you the chance to join the newsletter as well (you don’t have to).

If you’re not sure whether your petition fits the rules, I’d encourage you to enter your email address anyway, so I can get back in touch if I have any questions or reservations, otherwise you won’t know. You can still leave the newsletter box unselected and you won’t be added to it.

Submit your petition for this month

What if I want something else?

For a tailored Reiki session, divination services, or spell requests, divination services, you can always get in touch below.