Tarot & Divination

Are you seeking guidance, clarity, or a glimpse into the hidden tapestry of your life? Look no further – our Tarot and Divination Services are here to illuminate your path, offering profound insights and ancient wisdom to help you navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

Why choose Tarot and Divination services?

Experienced reader

I have been reading Tarot for over 20 years. Divination is my area of interest (among others) and I regularly use Oracle Cards, Pendulum, Bones, Charms, Tea, Coffee, and more for my own practice.

Personalised readings

I understand that every individual’s journey is unique. My readings are tailored to your specific questions and needs, ensuring you receive guidance that resonates with your soul and situation.

Clarity and empowerment

My mission is to empower you to make informed decisions and gain a deeper understanding of your life’s path. My readings will shed light on the past, present, and potential future, offering you the clarity you seek.

Explore your spiritual side

As a Spiritual Life Coach, I don’t use Tarot and divination to predict the future; they are tools for self-discovery and spiritual growth. My services can help you tap into your intuition and connect with your inner wisdom.

How does it work?

  • Fill out the form to ask your question. Be as specific as you need to be, give details. In some instances, I may need to reword the question, but I will let you know if that’s the case.
  • Choose the type of reading you would like to receive from the options provided.
  • Receive Your Reading. You will receive your reading three to five days after the request is received
  • Reflect and Empower. Take the insights gained from your reading and use them to make positive changes in your life, empower yourself, and embrace your journey with confidence.

All readings, except the virtual one, will be delivered as a PDF via email or download link, three to five days after the request is received, depending on the difficulty of the reading chosen.

If you chose a virtual Tarot reading, I will get in touch to arrange a date and a time. Bear in mind this reading is done over Telegram, which is a multi-platform messaging app similar to WhatsApp.

Please note that our divination services are for spiritual guidance purposes only. They do not replace professional advice or medical treatment. For more information please read the disclaimer.

“The future belong to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

Eleanor Roosevelt

What our customers are saying

Z. – Charm Reading

I really liked the type of divination, it seems to me a much more personal and traditional method. In addition Marta explains herself very clearly while explaining how the reading works, the meaning of the charms and how she interprets it based on her disposition. Very interesting and surprisingly accurate

Rating: 5 out of 5.

R. A. E. – Tarot Reading

I appreciated Marta’s thoughtful choice of spread to answer my question. I also liked that she explained whether she read reversals or not. Her conversational tone made me feel engaged and at ease throughout the reading, and her clear explanation of each card created an easy picture for me to follow. The advice was super clear and actionable immediately and provided much needed clarity.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Danny – Tarot Reading

The reading was really good. It was bespoke and individualized and relevant to my life. I’ve never had a tarot reading before but everything was explained as it went and I could easily follow along and understand.

Rating: 5 out of 5.