Understanding Reiki and its benefits

Reiki, pronounced as “ray-kee,” is a holistic and ancient healing technique that originated in Japan. The term “Reiki” combines two Japanese words: “rei” meaning universal or higher power, and “ki” meaning life force energy.

Reiki practitioners believe that this life force energy flows through all living beings and can be channelled to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

How does Reiki work?

Reiki operates on the principle that the practitioner can channel healing energy into the recipient’s body.

During a face-to-face Reiki session, the recipient typically lies down fully clothed while the practitioner lightly places their hands on or near various parts of the body. The practitioner acts as a conduit, allowing the healing energy to flow into the recipient.

In a virtual Reiki session, the recipient can lie down or meditate, but the main requirement is that they open up to receive Reiki. The practitioner then establishes a connection and also becomes a conduit for Reiki, once again allowing the healing energy to flow into the recipient.

Whether the session is in person or virtual doesn’t matter, they’re both equally effective. In both cases, recipients sometimes feel something, and sometimes they feel nothing. Sensations can vary, but usually are described as warmth, a tingling sensation, a sense of love, a feeling of calm and peace. Whether you feel something or not is not important, because Reiki will still work to your highest good.

It is believed that this energy helps to balance the body’s energy centres (chakras) and remove energy blockages, which in turn supports the body’s natural healing processes.

Benefits of Reiki

Reiki is not a substitute for medical treatment. It’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any medical concerns. Reiki is considered a holistic practice that focuses on relaxation and well-being, and its potential benefits are based on individual experiences.

Improved energy flow

By clearing energy blockages and enhancing the flow of life force energy, Reiki aims to restore balance and vitality to the body and mind.

Emotional comfort

Reiki sessions provide a safe and supportive environment where individuals can experience emotional release and find comfort. This emotional release may aid in coping with daily challenges.

Inner calm

Reiki sessions aim to create an environment of inner calm and tranquillity. The relaxation techniques used can provide a momentary escape from the demands of daily life.

Enhanced self-awareness

Through the relaxation and mindfulness cultivated during Reiki, recipients may experience a heightened sense of self-awareness and improved mindfulness, which can contribute to personal growth.

Stress reduction

Reiki is known for its potential to induce deep relaxation, which may help reduce stress. The gentle touch and energy transfer during a session can create a calming effect on the nervous system, potentially leading to feelings of tranquillity.

Spiritual growth

Reiki is not tied to any specific religious beliefs, but many practitioners find that it can contribute to their spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Support for relaxation

Reiki is sometimes used as a complementary technique to support relaxation alongside traditional medical practices. The relaxation that Reiki offers may enhance the general sense of ease and comfort.

Enhanced well-being

Many recipients of Reiki report an improved sense of well-being, heightened awareness, and a feeling of being more connected to themselves and the world around them.

Support during illness

Reiki is often used in conjunction with medical treatments to provide comfort and support for individuals dealing with various health conditions. While not a replacement for medical care, it can complement traditional treatments.

Personal wellness

Many individuals find that Reiki contributes positively to their overall sense of wellness. It may help create a peaceful state of mind and foster a balanced outlook on life.

“Just for today, don’t get angry, don’t worry, be grateful, work honestly, be kind to yourself and others.”

Mikao Usui

Receiving Reiki

Receiving Reiki is a non-invasive process that requires no special preparation. During a session, recipients may experience various sensations, such as warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation. Each person’s experience is unique, and the effects of Reiki can be felt immediately or gradually over time.

Reiki is a gentle yet powerful healing technique that focuses on promoting balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit. Its benefits range from stress reduction and pain management through relaxation1, to emotional healing and spiritual growth. Whether you’re seeking physical or emotional relief, or simply want to enhance your overall well-being, Reiki offers a holistic approach to healing that can be a valuable addition to your wellness journey.

Book a Reiki session

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  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8405991/ ↩︎