
How to book a service

In order to book any of the services below use the relevant buttons, which will take you to the booking form for each service.

If you have any questions, or you are not sure what services you may need, please get in touch with the form available at the bottom of this page, and I will be more than happy to answer your questions and discuss your requirements.

Unf*ck Your Life


Single standalone session


Discovery or maintenance session

All Spiritual Life Coaching sessions are 60 minutes

One card Tarot


Three card Tarot


Year Ahead


Celtic Cross


Bone reading


Additional questions


One to one Reiki session


60 min in total, in person

One to one Reiki session


30 min in total, online

What if I’m not sure?

I am here to help you. Get in touch using the form below, explain what you are after, what you need, and I’ll get back to you to discuss options as soon as I can.

Let’s figure it out together!